Little Does She Know
Ikjung Cho

3 - 5 October, 2013


Trip to Japan 1, 50cm x 25cm pencil, marker pen, acrylic on canvas


Shoe Drawings, 2013

Artist Talk
18.00-20.00 on 12 Oct 2013


We are proud to announce Even the Neck’s first outdoor exhibition in the UK with Ikjung Cho’s video screening and her performance. Little Does She Know presents archives of Ikjung Cho's two short visits to Kobe, Japan in February and September 2012, and her subsequent artistic reactions to the visit. This on-going project concerns how Ikjung Cho perceives the people whom she met in Kobe and her personal responses to each individual.

Each screening starts at 18.00, 18.45, 19.30, 20.15
The screening will last approximately 45 mins. Showing:

- Shoe Drawings
- Gomo and Suma Beach
- Robot and the Earthquake
- Gomo’s Pink
- Gomo’s Son, Oppa [Performance]
- Gomo Shines

Ikjung Cho (b. South Korea, 1986) deals with narratives that are revealed through observation based on daily hassles and occasional discords. Cho uses personal approach to discuss how each individual is engaged with wider socio-cultural concerns. She studied fine art at Ewha Womans University, Seoul and Chelsea College of Art and Design, London. Her works have been shown at Doosan Art Center, Seoul; Sangsangmadang, Seoul; Total museum, Seoul; L'espace des arts sans frontiers, Paris; L'appartment 22, Rabat, Morocco; Arts admin, London; Salon flux, London.

For further information about Ikjung Cho, please visit :

Along the Regent’s Canal, next to the Pumphouse Café
N1 8LD